Americanism Essay Contest (due March 3rd)
Faribault's American Legion Auxiliary Unit #43 is participating in the Americanism Essay Contest for students in grades 3-12, including students with special needs. Grade levels are divided into six classes. Entrants need to send their submission due on or before March 3rd, 2025, to the street or email address above. A cash prize will be awarded for first place in each of the classes I-VI if all qualifications are met. First place essays will be forwarded for additional competition.
Essay Title: "What does America the Beautiful mean to me regarding veterans and our military?"
Poppy Poster Contest (due April 1st)
Faribault's American Legion Auxiliary Unit #43 is participating in the Poppy Poster Contest for students in grades 2-12, including students with special needs. Grade levels are divided into seven classes. Entrants need to send their submission due on or before April 1st, 2025, to the address above. A cash prize will be awarded for first place in each of the classes I-VII if all qualifications are met. First place posters will be forwarded for additional competition.
Youth Coloring Contest (due May 15th)
Faribault's American Legion Auxiliary Unit #43 is sponsoring a Youth Coloring Contest for Children aged 12 and younger, including children with special needs. Age levels will be divided into five classes: Class I - age 6 and younger; Class II - 7&8 years; Class III - 9&10 years; Class IV - 11&12 years; Class V - Special Needs. Entrants need to send their submission due on or before May 15th, 2025, to the address above. A prize will be awarded for first place in each of the classes I-V if all qualifications are met. Winners may also have the opportunity to ride in the Memorial Day Parade May 26th.